The Veterans Show
Join Geoff, a US Army Veteran with over 20 years of service, and his wife Laura, a US Air Force Veteran, as they welcome a diverse group of Veteran guests to discuss topics relevant to all Veterans. Geoff and Laura believe that by fostering conversations with fellow Veterans, they can help prevent others from making impulsive and irreversible decisions. Tune in as we explore all things Veteran.
The Veterans Show
Episode 73: SSG Sonny Fleeman
Geoff and Laura are honored to speak with former Army SSG Sonny Fleeman, a federal whistleblower and combat veteran renowned for his outspoken stance against unethical practices at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). As a member of Feds for Freedom and a signatory of the Declaration of Military Accountability, Fleeman has raised concerns about the use of Motivational Interviewing to persuade veterans to receive the COVID-19 vaccine without proper informed consent. He has shared his findings and opinions, obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, with various media outlets. Fleeman hopes the new presidential administration and Congress will address these issues and ensure greater accountability and ethical conduct within the VA and related institutions.
Whistleblower: The Clock is Ticking for the Department of Veterans Affairs to Rein in Burgeoning Liabilities, Part One | The Gateway Pundit | by J.M. Phelps
Whistleblower: The Clock is Ticking for the Department of Veterans Affairs to Rein in Burgeoning Liabilities, Part Two | The Gateway Pundit | by J.M. Phelps
Veterans Affairs Under Fire: Unethical Vaccine Coercion Meets Surging Military Sexual Trauma Claims in a System on the Brink | The Gateway Pundit | by J.M. Phelps
There's men and women all around who fought and died for your freedom, and it's real f***ed up how the government treats them. They just sit back and they won't even feed them as they lay on the ground feeling defeated. Lord, they paid their dues and they beat the enemy While they're all alone fighting PTSD. Cause freedom ain't free, but in reality, you entitled a**holes are handed everything. We should all rise up and all just agree that division ain't the way that it's supposed to be. Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to. We, the people like you, and we, the people like me, should just wake up and realize it's true, cause it is, oh it is Living in a new world With an old soul.
Speaker 2:Welcome everybody to the Veteran Show. Thank you for listening. I'm Jeff and I'm here with my wonderful, beautiful wife, laura.
Speaker 3:Hello.
Speaker 2:Today is 11 January 2025. I want to thank WCVM and producer Michelle for letting us do this and everything we do.
Speaker 3:Yes, definitely. Thank you, WCVM and producer Michelle man. Oh man, we put you through the ring ourselves, but we thank you for everything. And, baby, your radio voice is just awesome. Good job, baby. We're getting better. Huh, we're almost sounding professional, but we're not. So don't get your hopes up.
Speaker 3:I am Laura and you are listening to the Veteran Show. Typically, we open the show with prayer. You know what. We're going to open this prayer and we're going to close it with prayer tonight. I think we're going to need it. So, if you can, bow your heads with me, our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom, come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Amen, thank you for joining us, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it.
Speaker 3:We first want you to know for the purpose of the veteran show. We're just two veterans who want to help other veterans. We want to prevent veteran suicide and we believe that one of the ways to do that is just by having a conversation about what's going on. We believe that by talking I don't know our shared experiences will help one another. If you're in a dark place right now, though, and you need to reach out, we tell you don't stay locked in your own head. Just talk to somebody. Talk to family, loved ones, but if you want a more professional or just a, if you want a more professional or just somebody different, you can dial 988 and then option 1, or you can text 838255. You can also chat online by going to wwwveteranscrisislinenet.
Speaker 3:Those are some of the main ways, but some other ways you can reach out is Heroes Bridge. That's a charity we like to work with. Heroes Bridge is awesome. They have the National Battle Buddy Call-In Center. What they do is they mainly help veterans over the age of 65, but they'll help any veteran and they'll help you with anything. So if you call 1-800-653-8387, if you're a veteran, just tell them what you need and they'll help you out. If you're a veteran, just tell them what you need and they'll help you out.
Speaker 3:If you're looking for money, these aren't the charities for you. I'm just going to warn you. They're just looking to really help. So if you need yard work, if you need transportation, whatever, but just call the Heroes Bridge, warfighter Advance, and their number is 202-239-7395. Again, that's 202-239-7395. Warfighter Advance is an awesome program and they do not medicate you.
Speaker 3:If you're dealing with homelessness, you can contact the Baltimore Station and their number is 410-752-2254. Again, that's 410-752-2254 if you're dealing with homelessness. And then if you do have problems or issues with your finances and you need help, you can call Operation First Response. Their number is 888-289-0280. Again, if you need help with finances, their number for Operation First Response is 888-289-0280. But all of those charities are for veterans. They're all free to veterans and all they want to do is help. So if you need help, definitely give them a call.
Speaker 3:My personal favorite, though, is God and his son, jesus Christ. That's what's helped me the most in my entire life. I've been through the ringer of a lot of things, and I've tried everything, and I, like many of you out there, have popped a whole bunch of pills hoping that would help, and it didn't. And when I finally just realized that God exists, his son exists, and I said I have no control, I need help, man, oh man, he. He stepped in, and I know he will for you too. So you know, if you, if you've reached rock bottom and you've got nowhere else to go, might I recommend calling out to Jesus Christ Cause I know he'll answer to you and I absolutely know he'll answer now because I told you he would. So I have faith that he answers Before we get started on everything tonight.
Speaker 3:First let's start on a happy note. There is a thing going on that's super cool. With all the other natural things going on right now, there just so happens to be another one from I think it already started the 10th From January 10th to the end of February is a thing called the Parade of Planets. It's like with six different planets are going to be lined up Super cool. I know right now you probably can't see it. I think it's cloudy out, but for like two months you're going to see all these planets lined up. So if you want something to do with your grandkids, might I recommend you find an observatory or find something, and just even if you look it up online with them or just talk to them, it's pretty cool.
Speaker 3:The next thing I want to make sure that I get out is when we talk about people dealing with stuff and going through hard times. I know a lot of people out there are sick right now. I was telling some of my family that actually basically everybody I know has a loved one or knows somebody that has either been recently diagnosed with cancer, is getting a biopsy done or just found out that they don't have cancer. But they were worried they had to get it looked at. So I reached out to a formal guest of ours and I'm trying to find it now. See, I wish I had it, but it's Colonel Tankersley and he recommended a book and I want to recommend it to all of you. If you are dealing with recent diagnosis of cancer or anything like that, you can find the Cancer Care, repurposed Metabolic Intervention, and that's on. I don't like Amazon, but that's what I would look for, so let me look for it. Okay, it is called Cancer Care, the Role of Repurposed Drugs and the Metabolic Interventions of Treating Cancer. So if you have a loved one or if you yourself has been recently diagnosed with anything, dr Tankersley, colonel Tankersley, we've had him on the show that's the book that he recommends. So that's what I think you guys should look at and I thank him for helping me and telling people about that. So we do have a guest tonight Pretty amazing guest and I've been thinking a lot about this babe.
Speaker 3:We've had a few conversations this week as well that you know when I come on the air I sound pretty angry and drill sergeant-y and stuff like that, and I think a lot of people ask what the purpose of the show is and I really don't know. It started off with us just trying to give out VA benefits and it's quickly morphed into pulling back the curtain and seeing what actually lies underneath of the VA programs and a veteran's lifestyle not just mine, but everybody's and it's been very eye-opening. So I think that's what you, the audience. You're on a journey with us to see what it's really like and what these acts and these rules and these regulations and these big VAs, what it all does. It's quite a system and it's been in place for a very, very long time and I think many of us are just very providing to us and what it's not and where it's starting to fail. We have a lot of veterans who are not covered yet. There's a lot of the Uzbekistan veterans who still need coverage. I know Vietnam veterans, korean War veterans and everything.
Speaker 3:But this week I ran across quite a few articles, but one of them is while the VA says they don't have money and while everybody says they don't have money and remember, the VA is being kind of run by the same government who has run our Social Security into the ground, so just keep that in mind. The same people in charge of Social Security and all that money are the same people who have been doing this. But the Pentagon reached a settlement with more than 35,000 gay and lesbian ex-service members and what I understand this is going to do is that they are taking resources. There was a lawsuit going on and the Pentagon, before a decision was made in the lawsuit, it settled and it agreed to revise 35,000 members records. That's the way I read this. So it's going to go back and reissue DD Form 214s because of the separation codes.
Speaker 2:Just automatically.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah. Without a court order, they just settled and that's what they're going to do.
Speaker 2:Without the service members actually going back and having to request this.
Speaker 3:I believe. So I'm not 100% sure on that, but from from from what I, I mean it might be a class action, but they are using resources to go back and change dd form 214s of 35 000 x service members. That's what they're using their money on. How much, how much money do you think that takes baby to go back into 35,000 records? How much time? How many resources, like personnel, I don't know Massive yeah.
Speaker 3:That's a big distraction with everything that's going on in the Pentagon. I wonder if the Pentagon has done some research about how their ships are built with the steel the bad steel that they were given many, many decades ago. I don't know, maybe they could research that. But as I was skimming through articles, I came through two articles on the Gateway Pundit and it's just so stark. So I see one article that was written by Just the News Pentagon reaches settlement with more than 35,000 gay and lesbian ex-servicemen to revise their records. Yet then I see another in the Gateway Pundit, two articles, and this says the clock is ticking for the Department of Veterans Affairs to rein in burgeoning liabilities. And it's a part one and part two article in burgeoning liabilities. And it's a part one and part two article. So I don't know.
Speaker 3:I mean this is crazy, babe right yeah, it is so we can correct dd form 214s, but the department of veteran affairs as it stands right now and we will get into this in a second more with our guests as it stands right now, the Department of Veterans Affairs, in my personal opinion, is unsustainable, and we are going to discuss that and it's going to impact every single veteran and active duty member. We have to take a break. We'll be right back.
Speaker 4:One day there'll be no more waiting left for our souls. One day there'll be no more children longing for home. One day, when the kingdom comes right here where we stand, we will see the promised land from this thing. One day, there'll be no more lives taken too soon.
Speaker 2:One day there'll be no more. Welcome back, everybody, and thank you for listening to the Veterans Show. If you're in crisis, please pick up the phone, dial 988, press Option 1, or text 838-255. Just remember, you're never alone. Somebody always wants to hear your voice.
Speaker 3:We do. We absolutely do. Always reach out, always ask for help, always get out of your own head, and I know this moment will pass. I know it's a moment, a brief moment of darkness, but you've been through them before, I have too and you and I together will get through this and we'll get to the light at the end of the tunnel. So hang in there, reach out for help and tell people that you need it. Tonight. I am honored to introduce all of you to my new best friend. It's a pretty amazing guy and I'm just learning about him, but man, oh man, the courage that he has shown, because it's going to change every veteran's life. I am honored to introduce you to former Army Staff Sergeant Sonny Fleeman. He is a federal whistleblower and he is also a signatory of the Declaration of Military Accountability, attorney of the Declaration of Military Accountability, and he's going to help, I pray, explain to all of you why I sound so angry. All of the time.
Speaker 5:So, sergeant Fleeman, thank you so much for joining us. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, I can hear you okay, and thank you for having me on, laura. It's an honor and a privilege and I appreciate the opportunity. There's a lot to unpack, but before I unpack it, I've got to disclose and it's very important for everybody to understand that the views and opinions that I express here today in this podcast are my own. They don't reflect the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the US government, the military, any organization or employer. They're my own views.
Speaker 3:Thank you for that. Thank you, sergeant Fleeman, I really appreciate that. Before the break I told the audience that I came across two articles this week in the Gateway Pundit and you were referenced in those articles. So I would appreciate if you could first tell the audience a little bit about you, your military career, and then tell the audience what you were telling us in those articles. Well, you know.
Speaker 5:I'm just a combat veteran staff sergeant, former infantry. Nothing really special about me. I've worked since the COVID-19 mandate started in the federal government. I was in the medical freedom movement working with multiple organizations notably like Feds for Freedom most prolifically and like working with their FOIA teams and other things like that. And this data, the Gateway Pundit article that you're referring to, regarding the liability of the.
Speaker 5:VA was actually incidental and what occurred was I had requested, and it took me, I think, well over a year, almost two years, to secure this data from the VA. It's the last 20 years of VA claims data associating all the diagnostic codes and the level of disability breach diagnostic code and other data that can be used to analyze. What I was thinking was is I could take this data and share it with some experts and try to see how the COVID-19 gene therapy that they call a vaccine mandate was impacting service members.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 5:And then how that could show up in the claims data. I thought maybe the claims data could reveal some interesting things. Okay, and after I requested that, I finally got it and I sent it to Steve Kirsch who published it on a sub-stack. He had some interesting findings. He would look it up. You know, conditions are up like crazy Cancers, cardiomyopathy, 5x, post-vaccination, interesting right.
Speaker 5:But of course you know, correlation doesn't mean equal causation, so that's just another data point, especially with the PACT Act occurring very shortly after they injected the entire military with a toxic substance. But I'm going to go back to the Gateway Pundit article discussing the unsustainable liabilities. That's been a lot of contention and I've gotten mixed messages back several articles out on that. But the way it occurred is.
Speaker 5:We started looking into that data a little deeper after we shared it with Steve Kirsten, because I noticed some anomalies, and so I just started playing with it, and the only thing I did is I said, well, I have all the last 20 years' data, I have all the numbers for all the diagnostic codes how many veterans are diagnosed and at what percentage for the last 20 years and so the only thing I could do is I could just take the VA rating schedule and you know the base rate for every year and you know apply that and then run some basic projections.
Speaker 5:you know, and you know, I found a lot of problems more than. I can speak about here, all right, but you know, most notably, I mean, I noticed that PTSD was a really good example.
Speaker 5:Okay, example okay, and you know, one of the findings was I said you know, and it's a very conservative estimate that you know the liabilities for PTSD, given the average lifespan of veterans being 20 years and the average rating of 70% for PTSD, which are both accurate estimates and at a base rate considering a single veteran with no dependents. Right would be you know, a trillion dollars, conservatively, the liability, just for one diagnostic code.
Speaker 3:Okay, Say a little bit about that diagnostic code. What are you talking about? Is that that's attached to?
Speaker 5:That would be the diagnostic code for PTSD. That means that just for PTSD alone, you know, in the near future the liability for one diagnostic code for service-connected veterans at the VA will exceed a trillion dollars, based on my estimates.
Speaker 3:So you're saying that there's way too many of us who have been rated for PTSD?
Speaker 5:I don't say too many, I'll just say what I would point to is that would be an unsustainable. When you add that up with the rest of the rating schedule and you look at the situation as it is. It's an unsustainable number, all right, I mean there's no compensation in the world that can handle that.
Speaker 5:And, as you can see, right now, currently, at the present, the VA is already running short on their budget. And what do they say when they run short on their budget? They say, oh no, we won't be able to pay the veterans. We now need to run to Congress. And that upsets me because that should never be something that can ever be said. We are not going to fulfill our obligations. It shouldn't even be possible. But what people need to know is read between the lines. When they start saying we can't fulfill it, that means that is possible. It is possible.
Speaker 5:And when we have, with these kind of numbers, 1.4 million veterans service connected for PTSD at an average 70% rate, there's a lot of people dependent on that money. And you know that's just the reality. And so when the VA starts talking about we might not be able to pay that and we look at the dramatic increase, it's something we have to address. And I know it's an unpopular thing to post, but it's my responsibility when I came across it to post it and you know the data's out there. Just go to Steve Kirsch's sub stack. That's what I gave to him. You might learn a few things about COVID-19 injections and you can get the data yourself and run your own analysis. But just a little bit more of a background on why, hey, why was I looking into the?
Speaker 2:COVID-19 vaccine.
Speaker 5:Well, that has to do with the PAC-DAC and it's very important that everybody understands there is a I want to talk about the PAC-DAC. I'm sure everybody's familiar with what that is and if not, just look it up because I want to go to one specific provision of the PAC-DAC. All right, and it's called Toxic Exposure Risk Act could be.
Speaker 5:And what this provision does is the VA if they can't service connect the condition that a veteran claims on a direct basis means directly connected to service all right, or on a presumptive basis, meaning like Agent Orange or contaminated water in Camp Lejeune you know all those disabilities that are presumptive if you have a qualifying service, like if you were served in Vietnam or any of the presumptive locations or were exposed to contaminated water in Camp Lejeune right.
Speaker 5:What that means is is that before the VA can, deny anything they have to evaluate to see if that particular claim could possibly be related to a non-presumptive condition based on a toxic exposure risk activity. Okay, and in layman's terms, and just to make it very simple and leave all the regulations out of it, so the audience just understands the way the VA interprets what the Toxic Disposure Risk Act can be is, very simply, is it consistent with the facts and circumstances of service? All right, I wrote myself a little note just to kind of help everybody understand what's going on here.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 5:Because, before I move on to this note, let me read for the facts and circumstances right, it means you know there's an occupational exposure and you were exposed to jet fuel, and you were. You know diesel fuel or solvent, and you were you know a pilot or a mechanic or infantry.
Speaker 5:You know, as long as you claim an exposure that's consistent with the facts and circumstances of your service, the VA is, under this provision, required to concede exposure. And what that means for the veteran, okay is. That means now we have an event in service, so you might not have a, the veteran might not have a disability or an injury shown in service, but now the VA is taking that toxic exposure right and that's your event in service. And now they have to do a medical opinion, right?
Speaker 5:So if a veteran has unexplained cancer, that's not presumptive right and they say, oh my goodness, that veteran, you know, served, you know, as a mechanic and was exposed to all these different solvents and jet fuels and all these different chemicals. Well then, before we can deny that there might not be nothing, before the VA can deny that there might not be anything in the service treatment records, right, there might not be anything in service at all that indicates that and it's not a presumptive condition it might be a type of cancer that's not associated with their Gulf War service or their exposure to Agent.
Speaker 5:Orange, but because that veteran has a toxic exposure. That's consistent with the fact that they're being taken to service related to their MOS the VA is going to have to go ahead and get a medical opinion on that. Now.
Speaker 5:this is very important because you have to understand that the VA is a non-adversarial system and that means, when the evidence is equal, it's in the veteran's favor, right and so believe it or not after that medical examiner looks at that file, looks at that record that veteran's got, you know, a good chance of getting service-connected because it doesn't have to be, 100% proven. It just needs to be at least as likely as not, and as long as the evidence is equal, that medical opinion will fall in the veteran's favor right. And so getting that examination, having that event in service is a big deal. It changes the way the veterans change claims.
Speaker 5:Now this is very important because I want you to everybody understand this could be considered the most liberal provision that the VA has ever put out Okay, Okay, it's the most generous provision ever. Okay, and it says hey you know in layman's terms if you have any kind of exposure that's consistent with the facts and circumstances of to the public that the VA uses to process PACT Act-related claims and terror-related claims. There's a little caveat, beyond the, so you know, determining what the circumstances are of the Veterans Service. That's consistent with the terror, with the toxic exposure risk activity.
Speaker 5:And it says, recognize participation in the terror. If it's consistent with the places, types and circumstances of the veteran's service, consistent with 38 CFR, 303a, all right, and that basically, is just facts and circumstances of service, liberal interpretation. We're going to go in favor of the veteran, but listen to this little caveat they put in Right, the VA is going to go in favor of the veteran. But listen to this little caveat they put in right.
Speaker 5:Now keep in mind, this is directly after they injected, mandated the injection of the entire military with the COVID-19 shot right. Important Vaccines and medications in general are not considered participation in the toxic exposure risk activity, because there is no scientific and medical evidence that supports the conclusions that vaccines and medications administered to service connection members have resulted in long-term adverse health effects.
Speaker 3:So did they write themselves a loophole there.
Speaker 5:Well, I would call it more than that Because the way I like. So, the VA is deliberately excluding the COVID-19 injection, a toxic experimental gene therapy deceptively relabeled as a vaccine, from the same facts and circumstances standards that they apply to every other toxic exposure. Yeah, because they say long-term.
Speaker 2:Long-term.
Speaker 5:Exploiting bias and veterans who spent any amount of time in the airspace, let's say over south of the theater, southwest Asia Theater of Operations.
Speaker 5:let's say you spent five minutes there right are automatically conceded for having participated in a toxic exposure risk activity, yet a toxic substance that was directly injected into their body isn't simply because it's labeled as a vaccine. That's absurd. It's not about science or safety for the VA, it's about protecting the vaccine's reputation instead of protecting veterans. That's not just inconsistent, it's unethical, it's dangerous, all right, and it's a complete betrayal of the VA's duties to those you serve. And let me just explain what's going on here.
Speaker 5:So they've got that. So here's the effect of that. Though, now, all these veterans that may be injected by this, you have this extremely liberal provision, so a lot of the injuries that may be associated with these toxic ingestions and just so we can clarify. Your audience may be familiar with the recent news in the peer-reviewed journal that came out regarding the DNA contamination. Right, but that's just one toxic mechanism, the spike protein.
Speaker 5:In and of itself, the inventor of the technology, robert Malone, I believe he even testified in front of Congress regarding its toxicity right and the lipid nanoparticle is known to be toxic. This is a and the adverse events are a matter of record. I mean it's a toxic exposure risk activity. It is the definition of one. I mean it's a toxic exposure risk activity. It is the definition of one.
Speaker 5:So what you have here is the VA picking and choosing what they want to do and they just, you know, they're like, oh well. And the effect of that is, guess what it is. It covers up the effect of the mandated shot, and let me expand even further on how nefarious this is.
Speaker 3:And I will let you expand.
Speaker 5:Hold on, is it okay? Can I go on with?
Speaker 3:that Just a second. We're going to have to take a break. Sorry, that's. A cruddy thing about radio is that we've got to take these breaks. But we're going to take a break. We will be right back. Everybody, hang on.
Speaker 4:These days, my heart's always on the run. These days, the world's spinning out of control. These days are fast and they're furious. Feels like the worst is ahead of us. Oh, oh oh. Sometimes it's hard to feel at home, but I believe that you and I are in the right place At the right time. God called us by name and he doesn't make mistakes. I know we were born to shine bright.
Speaker 2:Welcome back, everybody and thank you for listening to the Veteran Show. If you're in crisis, please pick up the phone, dial 988, press Option 1, or text 838255. Just remember you're never alone. There's always somebody out there who wants to hear your voice.
Speaker 3:There, absolutely is. There really is. Thank you for giving that out, babe. On the phone we still have Army Staff Sergeant Sonny Fleeman who is talking to us. He is a federal whistleblower and a signatory of the Declaration of Military Accountability we were just talking about. So from what I understand I might be getting this wrong the veterans or active duty were given the vaccine shot and then the PACT Act came out. But in the PACT Act, in the legislation, it specifically says in there that the vaccines are exempt. But what's interesting about that is they're saying studies, that all the studies show that there's no adverse reactions, but that they didn't wait for the studies. So how can they exempt something they didn't wait for the studies for?
Speaker 5:Do I understand? Well, I don't want to spend too much time on that topic. Okay, it's a lot For one. It's just the evidence they want to look at. And another thing is they're taking think about it like this you know, you go back to the history of anthrax and there's a problem there. And there's a problem there and there's a lot of suspects at Gulf War Syndrome and those effects. They may be associated with that. But that's up for debate. But the point is, what they're doing here is just like you said they don't know anything about it.
Speaker 5:It's toxic, right, but they're trying to make the excuse that there's no evidence. They're not mentioning the fact that it's an entirely novel technology, right, and you know so. It was never. It was a gene therapy. Before they decided to label it, the CDC decided to change the definition and label them vaccines, right, and so like they're just lumping it in there and you know doing it, but you're not.
Speaker 5:the point is is that they're not applying the same standard to the toxins. Basically, what they're saying is facts and circumstances don't apply to our vaccine, but they do to everything else. And that's very convenient because the VA was the first to mandate the shot.
Speaker 5:And let me roll into the vaccine advocacy bias that is inherent in the Department of Veterans Affairs and the extent okay, medical centers using a counseling technique, which in this context, is a manipulation technique in violation of informed consent. But they decided that they were going to apply a counseling technique called motivational interviewing, right to increase their vaccine uptake for the COVID-19 shot, right. And so what they did was they used motivational interviewing in a study right and to see what this effect was, and they did it in a live study. So they used motivational interviewing techniques to the veterans that came into these VA medical centers right, and the ones that got injected with the shots.
Speaker 5:What they did is when they wanted to find out if their manipulation worked, then they gave them consent and they got a consent board and said, will you participate in the study? But they never told these veterans that they were being experimented on and did it for motivational interviewing to increase vaccine uptake, right. So it was a massive violation of informed consent. They don't respect the veterans informed consent they experimented on them without their consent. Then they only consented in the manipulation work um and, and.
Speaker 5:That just shows you how far the va is willing to go um with these shots and I can't do it I have in my. I've got a lot of lawyers in my possession but you you might find that some things were said in internal videos to these veterans, even in their own training videos that are proven to be false.
Speaker 2:Um so you know, but that's, that's uh.
Speaker 5:Um, you know, got to get those through foyer, get those out there there. But just to summarize it, they use motivational interviewing to convince veterans to take the shot right. Motivational interviewing is supposed to be a counseling technique, that is, I'm not a clinical psychologist so I might destroy this, but it's designed to help people make their own decisions right. But when you use it in the context of trying to increase a vaccination, you're abusing it and now it becomes a manipulation technique.
Speaker 5:And when you do something that's outside of standard care, which is the general informed consent right and just, instead of motivational interviewing and an experimental technique, when you're experimenting on veterans, you should tell them before, especially if you're trying to convince them to take an experimental gene therapy. Right, right.
Speaker 5:But, that's not what they did. No, they consented them after the fact. And so there's something else. And oh, by the way, just to bring it out there, I did another FOIA that came in through a whistleblower inside the VA that wanted to remain anonymous and just gave me the point that, hey, we want you to look at a certain database and tell me how many veterans just look at this point how many veterans were hospitalized within six months of taking one of these COVID-19 vaccines I got my.
Speaker 5:FOIA back. It was like almost I don't have the exact number, but it was like almost 400,000. Right, I mean. And so you know, you've got the data from Steve Kirsch, you've got everything that's coming out, you've got the DNA contamination. You've got the inventor of this technology telling you it's toxic, all right, and then let's look at the conflict of interest. So you want to listen?
Speaker 1:to the government.
Speaker 2:Let me tell you something, all right.
Speaker 5:There is nothing more profitable, no better business model than a vaccination and a pandemic. There is not a better business model in existence.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 5:And on top of that right, this mRNA technology is one of the cheapest manufacturing systems out there for vaccination is one of the cheapest manufacturing systems out there for a vaccination and it's easily adaptable to multiple different kinds of pathogens. Right, it's the perfect business model. So when you understand that, all of this becomes very clear. The motivations become very clear. Why everything was done becomes very clear, because it's follow the money, follow the money.
Speaker 4:Right. Right and you know, I'll rest my case there.
Speaker 5:Any other questions?
Speaker 3:So let me make sure I understand this at the simplest of levels, because I'm not a very smart man, jenny. But the military used techniques to help motivate and convince people to take a vaccine that they might not have taken had they just been given the option and not used motivational techniques. But motivational techniques were used on them and either they made a decision to be injected or not be injected.
Speaker 5:This is the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Speaker 3:The Department of Veterans Affairs.
Speaker 5:And that's on veterans that got injected at VA medical centers. Okay, and just for context, the Department of Veterans Affairs injected approximately 5 million veterans. Oh, by the way, let me point this out as well, a lot of veterans don't know this, but there is a law. It's called Title 38, usc 1151. Okay, an 1151 claim is when you get harmed by VA care.
Speaker 5:You can do an 1151 claim, one claim and if that claim is granted if that claim is granted um, then whatever injury you receive would be as if service connected right um and a lot of. They don't tell veterans when you go in to get a covid 19 shot if you have a um an adverse reaction, okay, okay, and a residual disability? Right then you would be, you know you could claim that right and I always like to point out that you know the VA has got they were the first ones to mandate the vaccines on their own employees before the president did, before the military did, and so they have an extreme.
Speaker 5:especially this administration and the VA in general and the leadership that's currently there have an extreme conflict of interest because they made their own employees take the injection. They mandated them Before the president. President Biden did, before the military did. It was the current VA secretary who was the first to mandate these shots.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 5:And so you can imagine the conflict of interest there in admitting they're toxic, right. Just to make that clear, but 1151 claims are interesting. And the reason why people need to know about them. There's a benefit. They have no statute of limitations, so you're not likely. I mean I would say that it's going to be very difficult to prove and very difficult to win an 1151 claim for an injury that a veteran believed they were due to the vaccine.
Speaker 5:But if I were, my own personal experience at the VA is my VA doctor tried to coerce me to take the shot right, and it was brutal coercion and it spent a lot of time and it really bothered me and you know, basically it ended up, even if I was relatively young at the time, in good condition and she used my high body mass index to say that I could die if I didn't take the shot using an emotional appeal.
Speaker 5:I didn't take it, but you know what went in my mind when that happened to me is that a lot of veterans under this kind of pressure definitely would, because I had the benefit at the time of being involved with, you know, Vets for Freedom and in the vaccine.
Speaker 5:I already knew what was going on, so, but I at that point in time I didn't know the level of coercion that was going on at the VA Medical Center. That shocked me and then. So what I would say is, I would say is, if a veteran was believes they were harmed by one of these shots they received at a VA Medical Center, they should file an 1151 claim. And even if they because it's easy to do.
Speaker 5:All they think they've got to do is go to the eBenefits website or go to their you know veteran service organization and say, hey, I need to file an 1151 claim. I think I got vaccine injured. And it might get denied, but you can always appeal it and there is a system. And I want to point something else out, because I'll tell you what I don't ever want to go back to the VA Medical Center after that right.
Speaker 5:And I don't trust them anymore. It harmed me. I mean, you know I have my own service-connected conditions and listen, you went into. Veterans Affairs. They didn't provide you proper informed consent.
Speaker 2:They manipulated you.
Speaker 5:They used some form of motivational interviewing and you took one of these injections and now you're finding out that it has, you know, 400 times the allowable amount of B and A contamination right and there's a good possibility that you could be exposed to something that could cause serious cancer, autoimmune and a myriad of other things that could be for who knows? How long? All right. It's very reasonable that you might have an anxiety condition or a depressive issue following that incident, and I would say that you could also claim that under 1151.
Speaker 5:And they might not deny it, but at least you put it on record, all right, and you made it known that the VA coerced you, right, because you might go to IG and you might not have a record of it there, which you should do. You should do all those things, but if you put it on a claim, it's there forever, they can never delete it and you can always appeal it, and so as more evidence comes out, your claim becomes stronger, right? Just to point that out.
Speaker 3:Brilliant, brilliant. Thank you for that. Actually, I really appreciate that for our audience. I hope our audience listens. I hope they use it. So, really, I don't have a lot of time, but this is insane. This is absolute insanity. Take a vaccine, but they wrote it out that they didn't need to cover the vaccine because they didn't study if the vaccine would harm them. This is a rabbit hole. This is a huge rabbit hole.
Speaker 5:I would call it a cover-up.
Speaker 3:Yeah, cover-up, that's a better word. That's a better word. I hope you come on the show again with us. But I know that I talked to you a little bit before you came on the show today and I told you my idea. But I typically end the show with one question of if you could say anything to veterans, what would you say? But I'd like to ask you that question and then after that I'd like you to close us in prayer, if you're okay with that.
Speaker 5:I think I'll just include what I would say to veterans in my prayer, if I can go ahead and begin with that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's okay and I just I'll let you before you go to prayer. I just thank the audience, everybody for listening. We'll be back next week and may God protect and bless you all. But all over to you, sergeant Fleeman, thank you.
Speaker 5:Thank you. It's been an honor to be on the show and I appreciate the opportunity. I'll go ahead and start in the prayer. Thank you, heavenly Father. In Jesus' mighty name, we thank you for the Veterans Show, for Laura and Jeff, who have built this platform to speak truth and pursue justice. Strengthen them as they uplift the voices of veterans seeking change.
Speaker 5:Lord we honor every veteran who has served with courage. Empower them to stand boldly and claim the respect and care they deserve. Expose the corruption within the VA. Tear down what is broken and raise up leaders of integrity to bring justice and true reform rooted in liberty and independence. Give us discernment to see truth clearly and the courage to reject confronting lives. Help us stand firm and pursue lasting change. May this platform shine as a beacon of truth and hope. We trust in your justice and place all in your hands. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray Amen, amen, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 3:Thank you. Thank you, god bless you. Thank you for your courage. If not us, then who? If not me and you? Right now, it's time for us to do something.
Speaker 4:It's time for us to do something. If not now, then when Will we see an end To all this pain? Well, it's not enough to do nothing. It's time for us to do something. It's time for us to do something.