The Veterans Show
Join Geoff, a US Army Veteran with over 20 years of service, and his wife Laura, a US Air Force Veteran, as they welcome a diverse group of Veteran guests to discuss topics relevant to all Veterans. Geoff and Laura believe that by fostering conversations with fellow Veterans, they can help prevent others from making impulsive and irreversible decisions. Tune in as we explore all things Veteran.
The Veterans Show
Episode 74: CPT Seth Keshel
In this episode Geoff and Laura welcome former Army CPT Seth Keshel to hear of his compelling journey from military service to becoming an advocate for election integrity. His detailed analysis and personal experiences shed light on the complexities of election fraud, offering listeners a fresh perspective on this divisive issue. His story not only highlights the importance of vigilant democracy but also underscores the potential veterans have to drive societal change.
There's men and women all around who fought and died for your freedom and it's real fucked up how the government treats them. They just sit back and they won't even feed them. They lay on the ground feeling defeated. Lord, they paid their dues and they beat the enemy while they're all alone fighting PTSD. Because freedom ain't free but reality, you entitled holes, are handed everything. We should all rise up and all just agree the division ain't the way that it's supposed to be lord. It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to. We, the people like you, and we, the people like me, should just wake up and realize it's true, cause it is oh, it is Living in a new world With an old soul.
Speaker 2:Welcome and thank you for listening to the Veteran Show. I'm Jeff and I'm here with my beautiful, wonderful wife, laura. Hello, we want to thank WCBM for the opportunity to sit behind this microphone and producer Michelle for everything that she's doing for this show.
Speaker 3:We do, and WCBM, michelle, everybody and, most importantly, the listeners you taking the time to listen to the show. We truly thank you. Without you we wouldn't be here, and so we thank you for taking the time out of your Saturday evening. You could be anywhere else, but here you are, and we thank you. We open each show with a prayer. That's just what veterans do. Every single ceremony we have in the military opens with a prayer, so we are continuing that tradition into this show. So if you could, please bow your heads with me. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. We do. Thank you for joining us and thank you for praying with us as well. We are just two veterans that are trying to help other veterans, and we believe that one of the greatest ways that we can help each other is just by having a conversation, and that's what we're trying to do. We just talk with other veterans and hear what they have to say, hear what they've been through. Tonight's guest is a phenomenal guest and I'm very excited to have him on the show. We've been working for a while but before we get to him we always like to make sure we give you guys some information in case you're in a difficult moment in life. We understand a lot of people are dealing with a lot of different things right now, and so we want to make sure that you can get help if you're a veteran and even if you're not, please reach out for help no matter what, but for veterans, if you are in a dark place right now, if you're dealing with a lot and you need somebody to talk to, we ask that you dial 988 and then option one. You can also text 838255, or you can chat online and you can go to wwwveteranscrisislinenet. That's wwwveteranscrisislinenet, wwwveteranscrisislinenet. But there's so many ways to reach out, so just make sure that if you know you've got to get out of your own head, you've got to tell other people what you're thinking. Sometimes saying it out loud just really helps. So call dial 988, then the option 1, or you can text the 838255, or you can go online. There's also some other ways if you're needing help. We work with a charity. We love them. They're Heroes Bridge. They have the National Battle Buddy Call-In Center. Heroes Bridge typically helps veterans who are 65 and older, but they do have the call-in center and they help veterans nationwide of every age. If you need help, just call this number and they will help you. So it's 1-800-653-8387. Again, that's the Heroes Bridge National Battle Buddy Call-In Center for Veterans and you can call 1-800-653-8387. If you need help with getting yard work done, if you need help with anything, call them and they'll be able to help you.
Speaker 3:There's also Warfighter Advance. They deal with veterans and their post-traumatic stress. Their number is 202-239-7395. Again, that's 202-239-7395. Warfighter Advance has one of the best programs that I've ever seen to help with post-traumatic stress and our friends. We have so many people who have been through it and know other people who are going to go through it. It's such a successful program. So if you have tried everything to deal with post-traumatic stress, I cannot recommend Warfighter Advance enough. Dr Vieten is an amazing woman, amazing program.
Speaker 3:If you're dealing with homelessness, if you're a veteran, there's the Baltimore Station. You can call them at 410-752-2254. Again, that's 410-752-2254. It's a year-long program. It's for men and they teach them all sorts of things coping how to deal with finances. They help with VA claims, everything. So if you have somebody who's homeless, tell them to contact the Baltimore Station. If you are a veteran and you have some financial issues, you can contact Operation First Response. Their number is 888-289-8280. Again, that's 888-289-8280. Operation First Response. Amazing story. Her name is Peggy, who runs it. We had her on the show about a year and a half ago or so. Beautiful woman, beautiful lover of Christ, and she just amazing things that she's done for veterans. So if you're dealing with finances, call 888-289-0280.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sorry you missed that. You said 82 both times. Just wanted to make sure you corrected that.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry, 888-289-8280. That's Operation First Response if you need help with financial.
Speaker 2:You did it again. It's 0280.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry. I'm sorry, so we'll finish doing this, but the other things that you can do if you're dealing with substance abuse is you can go to AA, you can go to wwwaaorg, or there's another one that you might be interested. It's Celebrate Recovery. That's more of a faith-based and I've heard phenomenal things about that. But AA or Celebrate Recovery absolutely reach out to if you're dealing with substance abuse issues. So you can also go to wwwcelebraterecoverycom, but my personal favorite.
Speaker 3:I feel that has worked the best. And even if you use all of those programs if you need them, but I still recommend God and his son, jesus Christ. I have, I've been on all the meds, I've been to all the doctors, I've done everything. Veterans we just, you know we get in the cycle with the VA and it's I don't know. It seems like you're never going to get off of it. But with God, and when he came into my life, he really did amazing things and just he has given me so much strength and peace. Life isn't perfect, but he gets you through it. I mean, he designed it, you know what. Just to talk about that. Since we have a second, I just want people to think real quick.
Speaker 3:Some of our audience is older generation and I grew up you know a lot of my uncles and my grandfathers that I remember they had train sets in their basements, beautiful, intricate train sets. I mean huge layouts and fields. You know I just it was we. We've even seen one of my uncles recently. I mean you put a lot of time and love into these miniature creation of landscapes and trains and little houses, little people, cars, and I look at all of that and it makes me think none of that happens spontaneously. None of that just poof. Somebody had to get all of the materials needed and then they had to figure out how to use those materials to create this beautiful landscape that replicates what we see day in and day out. Now, if somebody had to do that just to create a train set, then look around. How can we not say that this was created? And for me that's helped a lot because it means that somebody created it with love, just like somebody creates the train sets.
Speaker 3:So that's why I suggest that you reach out. But you're never alone, ever, ever. We've been in hard places and dark places and I promise you you're going to get through your difficult time and you're going to see the light at the end of the tunnel and you'll be better for it and new, beautiful things will open up. So just hang in there, one breath at a time, one moment at a time, and you will get through it I know you will and you'll be all the better for it. It's been kind of a crazy week, babe. Lots of stuff going on can't really pinpoint um a whole bunch of different little issues, but the main one is we have a I don't know if you can't really call him a commander-in-chief. We have um the shadow commander-in-chief exiting and then we have in, hopefully peace and coming in. We'll see.
Speaker 2:I have said that this to other friends of mine this is the time for popcorn. We've done everything that we've done we can do, and now it's just time to sit around and watch.
Speaker 3:It is, but we have to. I think we I agree with that, but we definitely have to make sure the flow of information, the amount of news out there. It's just unleashed and it's going to get more, and so people need to stay in tune as to what's going on. But there's going to be lots of investigations, there's going to be lots of reports. There's going to be lots of reports. There's going to be lots of everything, and so people are going to need to be extra vigilant to cipher through the crazy and the lies to find the truth, and I asked them to do that.
Speaker 3:I ask all of our audience to do that. You know, and us as well. You and I, we do it every day, but you're the force multipliers. When you find out the truth, it is your responsibility to tell your family, to tell your loved ones, to tell your neighbors. Get it out there. That's the only way that it's going to happen. When you're sitting around the table or anything, you have to get the information out or at least start the conversation, because that's what we really need. We need people to start talking about the things that have been happening in this country and across the world, and if we don't have an open conversation about everything that's about to come to light, we could find ourselves in the same exact position, right?
Speaker 2:Yes, but I would also caution you to give it, don't react initially to a story. Give it about 72 to 96 hours, because that's when you'll get a lot more of the story. If you get within the 24 to 48 hours, you're going to get this insolationalization, the headlines, and it's not always going to be correct If you usually wait. Wait that 72 to 96 hour mark and then a lot more will come to light usually.
Speaker 3:That is true, and it's a safe move to do that for sure. Thankfully we're once a week, so we get an entire week to keep our traps shut, except on social media. But we do thank everybody for listening and tuning in with us. But on that note, we came across with this show. I often let people speak for us because they usually say things better. Usually say things better. So recently um wendy bell, who I guess is a reporter on newsmax, had a farewell. I don't know if it's a speech, necessarily. What would you call it fair, just a farewell. Since everybody else in the administration is doing a farewell address, I would say it's her retort to joe biden's goodbye speech.
Speaker 2:Oh okay, that's a goodort to Joe Biden's goodbye speech.
Speaker 3:Oh, ok, that's a good way to say it. Big words, thank you, babe. Big words, that's like fine. Anywho, outside of Laura's thesaurus, we are going to play Miss Wendy Bell's retort from Newsmax to Joe Biden, and then we'll go straight to break.
Speaker 6:And then after break we'll come in and we'll have our guests. Can't speak, can't walk, so let's just drop the gloves and be real for a moment. Ok, I find you disgraceful. You are a corrupt, lying, farcical shell of a human being. You sold out our national security to enrich yourself and your family. Your son is a tragic disgrace, and isn't it sad that some of us actually feel sorry for the guy, because all he probably ever really wanted was for you to love him. But you love something else more you and this entire made-up story surrounding you.
Speaker 6:You capitalized on the deaths of people in your family to strike a sympathy nerve to make up for your clear mental mediocrity. But you didn't sell me and you haven't sold tens of millions of other americans. Your entire family, sadly, is dysfunction. Nine of you were paid by foreign governments. To do what? To look out for the best interests of this great nation? No, to look out for you. Your lasting legacy will be simple disgrace. The biden family will go down as the most corrupt first family in American history. That is why children don't like you, why they pull away from you and why I have never trusted you. Your judgment day is coming, sir. I hope it was all worth it. Lies, cheating, corruption, cons, bribes, deals, the screwing of America all because of you. We will teach our children about the Biden name. I promise you our kids and grands will learn from us what never, ever to be like you.
Speaker 7:I woke up this morning saw a world full of trouble. Now I thought, how'd we ever get so far down and how's it ever gonna turn around? So I turned my eyes to heaven. I thought, god, why don't you do something? Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of people living in poverty, children sold into slavery, the thought of people living in poverty, children sold into slavery the thought disgusted me. So I shook my fist. In heaven I said God, why don't you do something? He said I did.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I created you. And welcome back to the Veteran show. Thank you for listening. We uh, if you're in crisis, please pick up the phone and dial nine, eight, eight, press option one or text eight, three, eight, two, five, five. Just remember you're never alone. There's always somebody out there that wants to hear your voice.
Speaker 3:There absolutely is, and I thank you for giving that out. Baby, please, everybody, always remember, just reach out for help, get out of your own mind. Do not stay locked in your own thoughts. It's always best to sit, you know, get with somebody you love, get with a professional and tell them what is going on. It's just better to hear it out loud sometimes. So reach out for help. I'm super excited about His name is Captain Seth Keschel. He's prior Army and I thank you for joining us tonight. Captain Keschel, I have been watching you since 2020, and I'm just amazed at everything that you were able to dive deep into. But the way that I have noticed that you have, I don't know, become more vocal is after the 2020 election. I heard you give a speech and you said that you had a fire in your veins. Can you elaborate with the audience and us about what happened on November 3rd and what you felt the day after and how that's led to where you are now?
Speaker 8:Absolutely Well. Jeff and Laura, first off, thank you for having me on your show. It's been a long time in the making. We've been bouncing calendars around for a while. I want to thank you guys for your voice out there where you are impacting veterans, giving them day 2020, and the following days in which the 2020 election, in my opinion in my researched opinion, I should say was compromised, manipulated and stolen from President Trump, and that was in at least six key battleground states. We're talking about Georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, arizona and Nevada.
Speaker 8:So Joe Biden became our president and I remember it distinctly the night of the election, going to bed, everything was in hand for Trump, and then I couldn't sleep and I checked my phone and Wisconsin and Michigan, of course, were being ripped off at that moment and I got up out of bed and I knew exactly what was going on. It took several days to pull Georgia and Pennsylvania and over the course of several days, I believe they called the election on November the 7th. But on November the 4th, when I knew what was going on, I was sick to my stomach and I couldn't focus, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and on November the 5th, I got up, decided to get busy and I had that fire in my belly and I knew that that this was something that I had to use my skills and abilities in, and they weren't all acquired in the military. I've always had an ability to understand statistical trends and patterns, and that came in handy when I was an intelligence officer in Afghanistan, studying the behavior of the enemy, reporting higher to my commander, informing his decision making, and I knew that what had happened in the 2020 election was not natural. It wasn't politically organic. Of course. It was a product of manipulation and cheating and really laying the battlefield out for the election to be ripped off many months in advance, with the legislatures advocating their duties to maintain election law and allowing governors and secretaries of state to change the rules on the fly.
Speaker 8:So I knew that I had to get involved, and that launched what I don't like to call it a career. I never set out to come out here or make money, even though I have to make money to support myself, but I never thought that in my late 30s turning 40, I would be one of the leading voices in the world for free and fair elections. I hear from people from all over the world on this topic, but I knew that I had to get involved. That fire in my belly was something that I believe was the Holy Spirit leading me to fight for the things that I believed in. So that's the answer to your question. November 3rd ignited me to action.
Speaker 3:That's awesome, and the Holy Spirit, that's just even better. So tell me. So one of the things how do you there's two questions how do you respond to any critics who might question the validity, and how do you? What are you looking at? What makes you? How are you? What data are you looking at to see about the results of 2020?
Speaker 8:So the veterans that are listening on this call, who have worked in the intelligence field, especially military intelligence field. There are several different types of ints I-N-T that we use to process information data. So information plus data made into a product equals intelligence, and there are several methodologies used to get this information. You can have imagery intelligence, and that's where you're using satellites to take pictures and survey the earth or buildings or topography. Then you have SIGINT, which is Intercepting Communications Signals Intelligence. You have HUMAN, Human Intelligence, and that's running spies, running sources, and you have several other ints and one key int that people often overlook is OSINT open source intelligence. So I use stuff that's laying out there in the open and it's not exactly James Bond stuff. This is certified election totals over many years, voter registration statistics and data that's laying in open waiting to be used.
Speaker 8:So most of the people that have criticized me, especially in the 2024 election cycle, understand that I was the only prognosticator out there who blended traditional political analysis with my assessment of how much cheating was possible in each state and what I came up with was an assessment that Donald Trump would win 312 electoral votes and Kamala Harris would take 226. And that was exactly the score and I had every pick correct. And there are 56 different races for electoral votes when you consider the split districts of Maine and Nebraska plus Washington DC. So when people want to criticize me, I just ask them to show their cards. Show me what you have. And more often than not, what these folks are holding on to is a pair of deuces. They're looking at polling. So all these aggregators like well, we're a polling aggregator, that's great.
Speaker 8:You know what I liked when I was a kid in the 90s. Growing up, I liked pro wrestling and honestly I have great nostalgia for pro wrestling when I look back at some of my heroes from when I was a kid. Now I knew all along in the 90s that it was rehearsed. I don't like the term fake. I know several pro wrestlers. It definitely ain't fake. All right, it's rehearsed like like movies, but yeah, they get hurt.
Speaker 6:They definitely get hurt and they die young.
Speaker 8:But the point is, you know, analyzing elections through considering polls which are manipulated, like the Iowa and Seltzer poll, harris plus three right before the election, is about like assessing someone's fighting skills based on what you saw on Monday Night Raw the night before. So it's not. It's not a good assessment. So I always invite people to show their hand and then I go back. History is a great teacher. History is the best predictor of the future. The past is the best indicator of what will happen in the future, and I can prove out my methodology decade over decade over decade. But I can show you endless amounts of polling that is fraudulent. Now they always come back at the end of election cycles and show you how accurate the polls were, because they cherry-picked the ones that were close, because anything within a couple points in a massive state with millions of votes flying around is pretty close. But precision and accuracy are often different animals.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's two things that I would use to even to kind of prove your point is one if you look at the last there's some views on, I've seen some videos on CNN where they're showing this jump, that big spike in the 2020 election and even they were saying this is statistically impossible. Going back to you're saying going back to history, of that statistically impossible to have that big jump at that time, and then I forgot where I was going with the second part.
Speaker 3:It's nice to have you chat in here.
Speaker 8:Well, it's so. So I look for. I look for markers in time that always prove accurate, sort of like a North Star, and, for example, Nevada and Arizona one way to sort those two states out. You have states that are political cousins all over the country. You have Washington and Oregon, you have New York and New Jersey, you have Arizona and Nevada, you have Wisconsin and Iowa and, to a lesser degree, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and there's other states that are political cousins. They move in the same ways and they have a certain relationship left or right to one another.
Speaker 8:Right now, for the first time in several decades, North Carolina, two times in a row, has gone right of Georgia. So sometimes they do change, even though it's been Georgia to the right of North Carolina for several decades. But right now and something that's been true. So Arizona has been a state since 1912. They've been voting in our presidential elections since 1912. That is 112 years. That is 29 presidential elections now. So when we look at that Arizona since 1912, Arizona has never in relation to Nevada. So Nevada has never voted for a Republican presidential nominee while Arizona voted for the Democrat. It's been the other way around. But they've never gone Nevada red and Arizona blue.
Speaker 8:So any of the polling that was showing Trump winning Nevada but losing Arizona, I'm going to throw that out, based on 112 years of precedent. So will there be a first time? There could be a first time. There's a first time for everything. But if I'm in Vegas and I'm playing the tables, I've got a precedent of 112 years of spent correction. I'm going to go with that. So I would go with the chalk pick on those sort of things. And looking at Wisconsin, why do I know? Wisconsin's got terrible fraud issues from the 2024 election Because it finished further apart from Iowa, at about 14 points, than it has in any point since 1936. Actually, it's less than 13 points difference, Biggest gap between the two states since 1936. They've been very closely related here for the last couple decades and that was why you had the fake poll in Iowa, by the way. But Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona all have problems down ballot with the United States Senate races and I've also spotted House races across the country that look disparate too, especially in California where they counted for a month.
Speaker 3:I wanted to ask you about that. So two things I wanted to ask you was how I've been hearing that the 2024 election, the results of it, helped prove what happened in 2020 by manipulation and steal. And then I would also I'm really wondering do you know which Senate and House races we actually should have had in 2024? Could you tell the audience what ones they took?
Speaker 8:Because they did In my opinion I singled out a top four for the House and a top four for the Senate. So my four. For the Senate, the three biggest layups are Wisconsin, michigan and Nevada. Those three were absolutely ripped off. Arizona was probably ripped off. Now those numbers jive with the county trends at the presidential level. Now there is a thing called ticket splitting, so that is definitely going to happen Now. Carrie Lake told me about a month before the election at an event in Tucson that she was only running two points behind Trump, who won Arizona by five and a half points. So Trump and Lake managed to finish eight points off each other. I think it's a little bit suspect, but the problem is it's not as glaringly obvious as it is in Wisconsin, michigan and.
Speaker 8:Nevada, where they're just doling out ballots, there are actually fewer votes cast in Maricopa County in 2024 than 2020. That's the first time it's happened there since 1944. So, yes, going back to answer your first question, that does corroborate to me what I've assessed for 2020. And I found the same thing in places like Mecklenburg County, charlotte, north Carolina. So those four Senate races, and then there's four House races Virginia 7 with Eugene Vindman you may know that name, vindman. That is not a name that you'd like. That is a suspect-looking race. Now, it's mathematically possible to have happened, but Virginia Harris lost ballots from Biden's 2020 totals in three-quarters of the counties or independent cities in Virginia in 2024. However, in that one district, she gained in all but one county. So I feel like if there's ballot stuffing, that it's in Virginia seven. You have Maine's second congressional district in which the ranked choice voting the incumbent won by less than a thousand votes and I think that, looking at the voting trends by county, that it looks pretty suspect in Maine's second congressional district, which Trump won by almost 10 points. And then we go out to the west.
Speaker 8:There are several other House races which look sketchy. There were two big red state House seats. Louisiana and Alabama had one each that were flipped blue. Now they didn't flip from a Republican. They had to be redrawn because of activist courts ruling against the mapping of these red states. So they drew safe Democrat districts out of solid red states. And then you go to California and you've got two seats California 27, up in the central spine of the state. John Duarte got ripped off by Adam Gray and then you have California 45. That would be Michelle Steele losing Derek Tran. Now, these were a month after the election. These seats were pulled off. So California, of course, has other issues. There's way fewer 1.7 or 1.8 million fewer votes for Harris in her home state than there were for Biden. So that corroborates 2020 for me. That California was used as a hammer for that 81 million vote narrative. But you can't accept election results that are that tight after a month of counting. So we have to. This demands reform.
Speaker 3:It really does. Just to go real quick, off topic, I watched to get your opinion on it. I watched the New Jersey governor race. What do you think about that one? That seemed really odd to me.
Speaker 8:The New Jersey governor race from 2021?.
Speaker 3:I think it was 2021 or 2020.
Speaker 8:Yes, yeah well it was really close. Now those elections are way harder to understand than presidential year elections. I just had this conversation with somebody in Virginia today about the Yonkin race in 2021. It was definitely tight. All of these states that have automatic voter registration, like new jersey, and expanded mail-in validating look, even the fbi has busted mail-in ballot fraud rings in new jersey in democrat primaries, with democrats defrauding democrats, so they're willing to go after cases like that. They're not willing to go after presidential or senate seats at this point.
Speaker 2:Why do you think it looks?
Speaker 3:sketchy? Okay, I agree, it does look sketchy. Why do you think they don't go after those?
Speaker 8:they're not yet, they're just waiting or perfecting there's too much money, too much influence involved, especially with the presidency. It's the most powerful office in the world, these us senate seats. The same way it's also in the courts. It's very difficult to prove election fraud in court, and that's probably why election fraud is the perfect crime. Anybody that thinks that it's a fairy tale should just go look at our own American history. You can look back at Boss Tweed and his crime ring in New York City in the mid-1800s. Now that was eventually busted, but they had the same techniques, just different technologies. They would send people to go vote with someone else's name on the voter registration file. They would pass around fraudulent absentee ballots. They would make fraudulent signatures. That was how they controlled New York City politics in the mid-1800s. Now it's the same story. You have absentee voting, you have no-excuse absentee voting, you have ballot harvesting in population-dense areas and you have fraudulent registrations that find their way on the rolls thanks to automatic voter registration and other tools like that.
Speaker 3:Speaking about automatic registration, we have about a minute and a half before break, but Maryland uses machines and Maryland just I don't know. What do you think will help states like Maryland? What will need?
Speaker 8:to happen Ultimately, the fixed two elections. The goal is ideally you want good candidates, we want people like us, we want America first candidates and right now that runs through the Republican Party and through more conservative ideologies. Through more conservative ideologies, I guess if you were to back away from personal preference, then we should have candidates nationwide of all parties that want America's interests placed first. That's been a real hurdle to cross because I am a Southern guy and I am a right-wing minded person. I don't like the term conservative. Nobody can seem to agree what is conservative. Like the term conservative. Nobody can seem to agree what is conservative. But I think that theoretically in a textbook somewhere you could have Democrats that are populist and mostly America first, and it's a matter of disagreeing with spending on this education on that. So it's a struggle to say that to be America first it's only conservatism. But the answer is transparency in elections. Only real people vote in our elections. You can validate every vote and the intent of the voter matches on paper in what is tabulated. That is how you make elections fair. There's many ways to do that Getting rid of fraudulent voter registrations, not allowing anybody other than overseas military and legitimately disabled to mail in a ballot and then making it to where you can validate every person face to face at the polls.
Speaker 8:As far as maryland goes, it's going to be blue until the country has has a heat death of the universe moment it is. It is uh, it's the seat part, partly the seat of federal government. So you have a lot of white government workers and white liberals in southern maryland, there in montgomery county. You have poor urban minority areas there in Prince George's County and in Baltimore City, and it just vastly outnumbers the Western Appalachian part of Maryland and the Eastern Shore. Unfortunately, you know, the only type that can get elected there is like Larry Hogan, and not even he is electable there anymore. So I hate to say that, but if Maryland gets bluer because the federal Leviathan gets chopped down to size, then that means about 45 states are going to get tortured. So that that's the benefit.
Speaker 3:Well, thank you for that. Well, maryland, I don't know. Hang in tight, maryland. All right, we have to take a break.
Speaker 9:We will be right back break while yet the storm has come and queued. For heaven's sake, Violence that they demonstrate, instigate and penetrate the values of our country and our God is what they desecrate. My fighters ain't no featherweight pulling out the seams of the fabric that they fabricate. They see us lies, manipulate, intimidate through fear and force, forcing us to sit and wait Till we come together, congregate, and then we liberate.
Speaker 4:Praying that you give me strength to find some love amongst the hate Marching.
Speaker 2:Welcome everybody and thank you for listening to the Veteran Show. If you're in crisis, please pick up the phone, dial 988, press option 1, or text 838255. Just remember, you're never alone. There's somebody always out there that wants to hear your voice.
Speaker 3:There is. There, absolutely is. Thank you, baby, for giving that out. On the line with us, we still have former Army Captain Seth Keschel joining us, and I thank him for holding through the break with us. We want to make sure that we give out his information. So if you want to look Captain Keschel up and follow him he has great writings. I was reading a lot of them today you can go to wwwskeschelsubstackcom. Skeshelsubstackcom. So that's wwwskeshelsubstackcom, so wwwskeshelsubstackcom. I hope everybody goes out there and reads his articles, because they're pretty impressive, which I want to talk about. One of those articles, because you crawled into my brain or I don't know. That's probably not the right way to say it, but they didn't have to take the 2020 election Like if they had just let it be. I thought that was a really interesting article that you had written. Like he just could have let Trump have the 2020 election. They could have gone down under. Well, why don't you think they did that?
Speaker 8:and nobody knew what capabilities were possible to manipulate the 2020, 2022 and then 2024 elections. These all the states that moved to automatic voter registration, with very few exceptions. There's a couple that started adopting automatic voter registration in 2015, 2016. Georgia put it in two months before the 2016 election. Didn't have time to grow the rolls enough to stop Trump from winning Georgia easily in 2016. But once Trump won, all those blue states and a few purple states ran off and put in automatic voter registration and it exponentially grows voter rolls. So Michigan has 83.5% of its population registered to vote. Only 77% of any population is even over the age of 18 and therefore eligible to vote. So if you're looking at elections like it was an Olympic event, michigan would be disqualified from even sending electors for the 2024 election in a country that was fair, even sending electors for the 2024 election in a country that was fair. Now Trump still won it, I think because the ballot harvesting was backed off once Trump had carried to North Carolina, pennsylvania. You better just let him take it.
Speaker 8:But as far as the 2020 election goes, it was a heavy lift. I mean, trump had 74 million plus votes, a gain of more than 11 million votes. So that means that Trump was the first incumbent president since 1888 to gain ballots from the previous election and somehow not be reelected. That's one of the biggest tells that the election was off and it wasn't just a gain. Trump's pollster McLaughlin, prior to the 2020 election, told him if you get 65 million votes, you should win, because he had 63 the last time and I think Mclaughlin was looking at that indicator which 1888 was the last time the incumbent president gained votes and lost election. So re-election and trump not only got 65, he got 9 million more. On top of that, big minority gains, big gains in all the battleground states. Most of the battleground states had a republican party registration advantage moving showing, showing momentum, trump and then Trump's gains in all these states. There were a lot of tells in all the bellwether counties, but it was a heavy lift and, of course, they pushed it so hard. Biden had 81 million votes.
Speaker 8:Now what are ballots? I should say so. Had they just let Trump go ahead and take it, that could have been a game-time decision. It's like look, trump has Florida, trump has Texas, trump has North Carolina. Trump's up by seven points in Georgia on election night, with over 90% counted, trump is up a million plus votes in Pennsylvania. Trump is up by 10 points in Michigan. Trump is up by five points in Wisconsin. You know what? Forget it. Forget it All right, let them take it. Get as much down ballot as you can, because all the Trump people are going to be celebrating the Trump one. Nobody's going to notice the down ballot, just like we didn't notice the down ballot in 2018. But it looks way off, according to what it is that I measure.
Speaker 8:I think they've honed these practices a bit since 2020, since the numbers were so gaudy. That's why you have massive drops in votes for Harris in certain places like New York, california, illinois. They did not pour on the fire in those states because they thought she would win them anyway, and the result was a drastically tightened margin. So if they'd let Trump take 2020, they could have ripped off anything they wanted in 2022 as a sixth year midterm. Which go?
Speaker 8:Look at George W in 2006, how his sixth year midterm went. Or look at Obama in 14, how his sixth year midterm went. Or look at obama in 14, how his 60-year midterm went. They're usually disasters. So you could have swept everything in 2022 and then you could have put whoever you wanted in 2024, especially if you unveiled the election mechanics that we saw in 2020. So with that, what you would have now is trump would be getting ready to pour a helicopter in six days and leave washington DC forever.
Speaker 8:Instead, he pulled the old Andrew Jackson and spent four years on the stump talking about a corrupt bargain and has wound up coming back. And this time he brought just like that article said. He brought to fruition a massive new Republican coalition that is going to continue to grow to the point. Now, when I look at demographics, if I see a state with a large Latino population, I feel like I'm looking 10, 15, 20 years into the future at a red state. I don't even care what state it is New York, new Jersey those states are going to continue to redden and the only thing that will catch them is the laws that they have on the books for elections and the population density of places like New York City and the metro area.
Speaker 3:That's interesting.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, so I got a question for you. Do you think it is a one party that is doing this or both parties in on it and they're just trying to decide who is the better candidate that they want to enact their overall goals?
Speaker 8:If there are only two parties patriots and traitors.
Speaker 3:I love you.
Speaker 8:Look there there is. There's a distinction here. At the ground level, at the precinct level. You have Republicans and you have Democrats that are sincere people, that have their beliefs and they do the political things which they are authorized and allowed to do in our country. Then you graduate and these people become professionals, usually when they, a lot of times when they get to the legislature.
Speaker 8:My wife is a state representative in the Arizona House. She is untainted by the lobbyist machine so far and by so far. I don't ever expect her to be tainted by that and she won't stay around long enough to do that. But you know we had a shoestring budget for re-election this year because we didn't take all the lobbyist money. Her running mate in the Arizona Senate the same seat, same district had a massive war chest because he took plenty of lobbyist money. Now, once people go from there, they start lobbying to run for Congress, federal offices, statewide offices. They become further and further detached from what they were supposed to be, which is ear to the ground, listening to the voice of the people, uncompromised by lobbyists, uncompromised by domestic and foreign special interests.
Speaker 8:President Trump has been all about calling out special interests since he's been on the political scene, and one of the things that comes with learning and unlearning a lot of things is you've got to understand that we gush out money to foreign countries, including countries that we think are our allies, and then we don't take care of veterans, we don't stop illegal immigration, we send our jobs to other countries and we don't offer our citizens a fair shake or transparency into any of the processes. So I do believe there are definitely two parties. I think that both parties have true believers in them, but I think that most of them, the higher up the chain you go, are political animals that will do anything to keep the gravy train rolling and they will do anything to make sure that they're not the one having to make the tough decision. And I do have a reservoir of grace for everybody in an office, I understand that you don't need to go dying on every hill.
Speaker 8:You know, in football there's a play that often happens on fourth down, when everybody wants to see their team go for it and score a touchdown. But winning the game at that point in time might require you to punt. So sometimes a punt is a good play. Sometimes in battle, retreat is the only call that you can really make. So I understand certain votes that aren't great votes or they may be made as a bargain to get a vote on something else, but all in all, you give somebody a long enough period of time, they'll typically show you with their voting record who they are.
Speaker 8:So I think that it's clear that most of our politicians don't support the interests of this country first, or the american worker or veterans, and we don't do things that are just. We don't fight wars anymore that are just almost every post 9-11 veteran out. There is anti war at this point and and I'm not anti, I'm not a pacifist I think that you have to swing the sword at times, obviously, but I don't believe that it is our duty to send american men and women to die for foreign countries now.
Speaker 2:I spent three years over in ir, in Iraq. And now, why did I do?
Speaker 8:it Correct. Now, that's the thing that I need all veterans here to understand is it's one thing to reflect and realize that a lot of us were misled. You know, I think that the access to the internet that we all have today has given us a lot more information that we used to not have. You know, I use a political example. When Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, you could have bet $100 on Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination and won $10,000. He was a 100-to-1 underdog at that point to win the GOP nomination. And now, of course, he's King Kong. Nobody can beat Donald Trump in a Republican presidential race. But back then, all we knew was political world pre-Donald Trump. Of course, it's going to be Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, take your pick and it's going to be Hillary on this side. Well, access to the internet and information gave a lot of grassroots voters like, hey, trump just said this crazy thing. He's right. Wow, trump just called out this trade arrangement. Wow, trump is right. So this snowball effect began where Trump became unstoppable.
Speaker 8:So, going back in time, you know 9-11, I went and visited 9-11, the 9-11 museum with my wife last month in New York City on the way to an event in Pennsylvania and it's I think it's the third time I've been in the museum. It's the fourth time I've been to the trade center site. Time I've been in the museum, it's the fourth time I've been to the Trade Center site and it was moving. It was gut-wrenching. And this is the third time I've been through the museum and it was gut-wrenching, remembering that moment of my childhood when I was adolescence. I was 16. I was almost 17 years old and it was something that stuck with me. It was probably the key event that girded my guts and my heart to want to suit up in uniform and go fight.
Speaker 8:And that was when my access to information taught me that these terrorist movements and radical Islam is the reason why we fight. And the government said we're going to fight. George W sent us on the crusade right. And then there were not nuclear weapons there in Iraq Right. And then there were not nuclear weapons there in Iraq. There were only limited targets to strike in Afghanistan certainly not 20 years worth of targets to strike in Afghanistan. And now we have an army that is not ready for a real theater conflict, a military not ready for a real theater conflict. A lot of veterans have issues between the years, if they survived, and some of them came back with, you know, minus arms, legs and anything else you could think of. So you have to forgive yourself for the things you don't know but also embrace the leadership skills that you've been given, because we have a ton of leadership skills.
Speaker 3:Thank you. I only have about a minute and a half and I really wanted to hear this question from you, or this answer from you. Pins and needles. You stated that you believe that veterans are key. What do you mean by that?
Speaker 8:So, caveating what I just said about those leadership skills that we gained in service and in combat, veterans, the thing about the military they spend a lot of time trying to make veterans take sensitivity training, anti-racism, anti-harassment training.
Speaker 8:The reality is the military is one of the least bigoted, least prejudiced places you're going to find, and all officers and NCOs know this because they all lead soldiers or other officers or other NCOs that come from every background Black, white, asian, hispanic, urban, suburban, rural, country boys, rednecks, people that have different religious views, people of different ethnicities, people of different political views. But ultimately you have that rule of law within the military, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, primarily, and then you're owed to the Constitution. So veterans are key, meaning that they have to harness those leadership skills and abilities, the tough experiences they've had, and invest them in the community that they're from, that can be running for office, that can be spreading word about how to use these leadership skills, because I think that all officers, ncos and soldiers or airmen, marines, sailors I think they all have unique experiences, mental resilience and toughness to get involved and help change society for positive, with real life experience.
Speaker 3:Well, captain Cashel, that, wow, I could sit here and listen to you forever. So I mean, it's just, I am so impressed by everything that you store in your mind and how you get it out, and I just thank you for everything. I mean there must be so much I don't know, but the amount of research you have done and things you've probably looked at, and the time you have, I can't even fathom the amount of time that you have invested in all of this. For so, for everything, everything that you have done, I thank you, thanks for joining us tonight and thank you for putting up with me, uh, constantly hounding you, but I thank you and I all god's blessings upon you, sir, truly well.
Speaker 8:Thank you very much, jeff and laura, for what you're doing for veterans, where you are too thank you.
Speaker 4:Thank you Love our land. If you ain't friends, buddy will help you bag your bags. Don't let the big door hit you with a good Lord's figure. Burn someone else's flag.
Speaker 5:America is losing hope, divided by the way we vote. This ain't the way that this all should be. We're fighting over memes and jokes. They're burning flags that we hold close. They think that war's only overseas. Outro Music.