The Veterans Show
Join Geoff, a US Army Veteran with over 20 years of service, and his wife Laura, a US Air Force Veteran, as they welcome a diverse group of Veteran guests to discuss topics relevant to all Veterans. Geoff and Laura believe that by fostering conversations with fellow Veterans, they can help prevent others from making impulsive and irreversible decisions. Tune in as we explore all things Veteran.
The Veterans Show
Episode 75: CDR Robert Green
In this episode, Geoff and Laura are honored to welcome Navy CDR Robert Green to discuss his book "Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines," the episode explores medical freedom, vaccine developments, and ethical implications. Personal stories, such as Navy SEAL Daniel's attempted resistance to vaccine mandates, emphasize the immense pressures faced by service members, and the role of faith while serving our Nation. It concludes with gratitude, urging steadfastness in faith and solidarity for a compassionate and united world.
Men and women all around fought and died for your freedom. It's real fucked up how the government treats them. They just sit back and they won't even feed them. They lay on the ground feeling defeated. Lord, they paid their dues and they beat the enemy while they're all alone fighting PTSD Because freedom ain't free. But in reality, you entitled a**holes Are handed everything. We should all rise up and all just agree that division ain't the way that it's supposed to be. Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to. We, the people like you, and we, the people like me, should just wake up and realize it's true, cause it is oh, it is Living in a new world With an old soul.
Speaker 2:Welcome everybody and thank you for listening to the Veteran Show. We know you could be anywhere else and doing anything else at this time. Oh, oh, oh for letting us have this opportunity to sit behind this microphone and talk to you every week. Yeah, most definitely.
Speaker 3:It's been quite a journey, for sure. We never expected to be doing this.
Speaker 3:You would have told me that we're sitting behind a radio or a microphone. I would have laughed at you. Do we have a good lawyer? I don't know, but here we are, and so God is good. Thank you for joining us. As my husband said and I am, laura If you have listened to the Veterans Show before, you know that we open with prayer, and the reason we do this is because, first, we want to give glory to God and, two, we're veterans.
Speaker 3:Everything that we do, every ceremony, always starts with a prayer. So if you can bow your heads with us, please, heavenly Father, I want to take this opportunity to first give you all glory. Thank you for everything that you do, for your love for us and your gift of your son. Father, I want to lift up your warriors. You know who they are, and there are many of them. Sometimes they feel a little bit alone, but they're not. I thank you for them, father. I thank you for instilling your spirit inside of them and thank you for their courage. Father, I pray for them every single day and I pray, and I know that you will protect them and you will, in time, you will reward them. Thank you for all that you do, and I pray all of this in Jesus' name, my Lord and Savior, the risen King, amen. So we do. Thank you for joining us.
Speaker 3:We had a pre-recorded show last week and it was with Captain Seth Keschel and it was amazing listening to him, but I was a little bit under the weather. I know a lot of people are under the weather right now, so if you hear me sniffling, I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you guys know that before we get into the show, because you know I don't know if I sneeze or sniffle, but there's a lot going on out there, like a lot of going on right, just so much. I mean, even on the, just before we walked in the studio, my husband was showing me a recording about the pardons and stuff like that Just overload of information. But we know that you can't always pay attention to all the news and the politics going on, because you have life going on. You have sickness, you have finances, you have family. You have just life, and we know that life doesn't always go the way we want it to. Sometimes we get into dark moments and we just want you to know that you're not alone in that moment. We've all been there. We do know that we're going to get through it. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. So we just want to tell you to stay strong, hang in there and always reach out for help. Never stay locked in your own brain. That's the worst place to do. Stay at. So just make sure you reach out to somebody. Tell somebody that you're hurting, tell somebody if you're in crisis. Just somehow reach out. Okay, one of the ways that you can do that is you can dial 988 and then option one, or you can text 838255. You can also chat online. You can go to wwwveteranscrisislinenet. But those are three of the main ways that you can do it.
Speaker 3:There's also so many free veteran charities, and if a veterans charity tries to charge, you run from that charity. Okay, there's too many free charities, but we have a few that we have featured on the show which basically cover all the main issues that veterans deal with, and so I'm going to quickly go through these. These, as I said, are free and they are nationwide. You don't have to be here in Maryland to utilize these. So one is Heroes Bridge. They have the National Battle Buddy Call-In Center. Typically they help veterans 65 and older, but for their National Battle Buddy Call-In Center. They'll help all veterans and you can call that number at 1-800-653-8387.
Speaker 3:If you're dealing with post-traumatic stress, we highly recommend Warfighter Advance. They are an amazing program. Their number is 202-239-7395. If a veteran is dealing with homelessness, we recommend the Baltimore Station. Their number is 410-752-2254. If you're dealing with finances as a veteran you're having some issues with finances you can contact Operation First Response Peggy over there is amazing, a gift from God. That number is 1-888-289-0280. Man, that took me a hard time. It's like I got dyslexia with that number, but 888-289-0280. And if you're dealing with addiction issues, always you can go visit AA If you go to their online site, which is wwwaaorg. Or you can also go to Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based addiction program and I've heard amazing things about them. So either AA or Celebrate Recovery, but AA, you can go to a meeting online 24-7, so you don't have to wait.
Speaker 3:But my personal favorite and the thing that has worked for me and I will always recommend to everybody, is God and his son, jesus Christ. It is amazing what God does, isn't it? I don't know, he just parted a metal sea coming over here. We drive 80 miles and we were in some pretty bad traffic. 495 was the express lane is shut down going north pretty bad traffic. 495 was the express lane is shut down going north. So when I say God parted the metal sea, he most certainly did. But you know what? That's just a small thing. God has changed my heart. He has literally softened my heart, and I know he can do yours. And once he does that, man, it is amazing.
Speaker 3:So if you are in a dark spot, might I recommend calling out to Jesus Christ and I guarantee you he'll answer. And I know he'll answer because I just told you he'll answer. I have that much faith that God will answer you. But just please, everybody, make sure to reach out. We do want to congratulate Pete Hegseth, the new secretary. Yes, yay, woo-hoo, I just had all these happy dances, so huge congratulations. Now, mr Secretary of Defense, please go get her done. Okay, we do want to celebrate today too, because we got an email this week from Veterans Affairs and it is death of DEI, DEI. And if you encounter any DEI from the Veterans Affairs, there's a website that you can report it and that's DEIATRUTH at OPMgov. So DEIATRUTH at OPMgov, yeah, if you encountered DEI at the VA, that's where you need to go to report it and they want you to report it within 10 days. So yay, that's pretty cool.
Speaker 3:But, like I said earlier, this has been a journey and we wanted to kind of talk to you about that. There's a lot of just beliefs A lot of people dealing with, I don't know. We're all just kind of talk to you about that. There's a lot of just beliefs a lot of people dealing with, I don't know. We're all just kind of wondering. I think a lot of people are searching for purpose and wondering our place in the world, and so I kind of I want to talk about that for a second before we go into the rest of our show. You know, there's drones flying over and there's always people talking about aliens and is there life and stuff of that nature. And to you people, um, I would like to give you a different perspective. Um, I choose to believe in a being higher than me that can choose to create a life in a womb and can choose to put a certain soul in that little baby, a destination, almost. You know he chooses what soul he wants in what body, and he did that with Jesus Christ. So I would much prefer a creator that can choose a soul than maybe some alien out there that might want to come say hi by accident. I just I think it's so much more in depth that we are chosen, that we have purpose, and I see one of the ways that there's purpose, or one of the examples that I see, is in the Bible.
Speaker 3:It does talk about Moses. Now, I don't know if many of you know, but Moses was a murderer. He murdered somebody and he fled, yet God still chose him. And what's interesting about Moses's story? Everybody knows that he parted the Red Sea, or, you know, he stood up to Pharaoh or da-da-da-da-da, or he saw a burning bush. And something about that burning bush story that a lot of people skip over or I've noticed, at least, I was never taught is as Moses was encountering that burning bush, he kept giving excuses to God. God was calling him, saying I have this plan for you, and he said well, I can't speak well, I can't do this well. And finally God was upset and he said look, don't you see you can. Your brother, aaron, is coming now. And what's interesting with the story of Moses is that it never says where Aaron came from. Aaron just showed up, so God had it covered from the beginning. Moses's brother, random brother, found him on a mountaintop, as he was, you know, having his sheep with him watching a burning bush, and just his brother walked up Like where did he come from? It's just proof that God has plans, and we can't fully see all of the plans that he has, but he's got it covered. So I just want you to think about a life is chosen, a life is used, and a life is precious, and your life is precious and all of our lives are precious, and so that's just my change of perspective.
Speaker 3:Ok, tonight we have a phenomenal guest. We have had quite a few of his friends on here, but he wrote. It is Commander Robert A Green and he wrote Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines. It's a story of hope for those who love liberty. Now, hey, I think the Bible is the best book, but I think maybe the second best book is the one Defending the Constitution by Commander Green.
Speaker 3:If you are interested in having a copy of this book, you can call WCBM, call in line 410-922-6680, and we will mail you a free copy. Okay, so on us, we will mail you a copy of Robert Greene's book, or Commander Greene's. I'm sorry about that. Before we go into break and before we bring our guests on, we are going to play an excerpt of the book and it's four minutes long. It is long, I'm going to warn you. It is difficult to listen to very, but it needs to be heard, and it's an explanation of the fetal cells. Everybody talks about what fetal cells are and now you can hear what, where they actually come from and how they're used in vaccines.
Speaker 4:Abortion is such a politicized issue in today's society that I became convinced that my chain of command would be dismissive of my religious beliefs on the matter. My chain of command would be dismissive of my religious beliefs on the matter. What they likely did not know was that the abortions performed to produce fetal cells for vaccines are done on human babies whose hearts are still beating when the genetic material is extracted. Having a beating heart is so important to producing usable cells that a device known as a Langendorff apparatus was developed to keep a heart beating even after it has been extracted. Since it is nearly impossible to find a detailed explanation of how to prepare human subjects for the Langendorff apparatus, a 2017 review of the procedure for mice is useful to understand how it works. Review of the procedure for mice is useful to understand how it works. In the article, the author describes how it is important to keep the animal free from stressful stimuli and recommends protocols of anesthesia. Once calm, the animal is placed in a supine position and the diaphragm is cut using a transabdominal incision to expose the thoracic cavity. Cut using a transabdominal incision to expose the thoracic cavity, the beating heart is removed and placed in an ice-cold chemical solution to rinse off the blood. This will temporarily stop the heartbeat and is a time period that must be minimized. Finally, the heart is connected to the Langendorf apparatus by the aorta and a nutrient-rich oxygenated solution is pumped through the heart. The heart will start beating again within seconds after being connected to the Langendorff apparatus. The above description was provided as part of a study of mouse hearts. However, we have evidence that the same Langendorff techniques were used to study and extract material from human hearts as well. A 2012 Stanford study of human cardiac progenitor cells revealed that the source of the human hearts being studied was a company called Stem Express and that a Langendorff apparatus was used to procure the human fetal hearts in question. A 1999 article in the Pediatric Research Journal provided much greater detail about the human subjects being studied. The article describes a study of six human hearts that were extracted from human beings at between 18 to 22 weeks of gestation. The authors note that the fetal hearts were aseptically obtained after elective termination of normal pregnancy by dilation and evacuation, and the hearts, weighing three to five grams each, were immediately dissected from the thoracic cavity with the great vessels intact, and transported to our laboratory within 15 minutes.
Speaker 4:It is unconscionable to me that living human beings, who happen to still be in the womb, are not protected as persons under the 14th Amendment. In light of how much more we now understand about the science and gestation of human life, I believe this element of the law is ripe for review by the courts. The law is ripe for review by the courts. Regardless of fetal personhood, if these babies are evacuated from the womb with their hearts still beating, they are considered born and are protected by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment, which states All persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law. If abortion practitioners are following the standard procedure for use of the Langendorf device by vivisecting living human beings outside the womb, they are committing murder under every law we currently have and under the current understanding of the 14th Amendment.
Speaker 5:Welcome back everybody and thank you for listening. I am today because somebody prayed.
Speaker 2:Welcome back everybody and thank you for listening to the Veteran Show. If you're in crisis, please pick up the phone, dial 988, press option 1, or text 838255. Just remember you're never alone. There's always somebody out there that wants to hear your voice.
Speaker 3:There always is. Thank you, baby, for giving that out. As I said before the break, we have an amazing guest tonight. I am absolutely honored to be talking to him, and it has been a long journey. We are pleased to introduce Navy Commander Rob Green. Commander Green, can you hear me?
Speaker 6:I can hear you. Thank you very much for having me with you guys on your show.
Speaker 3:Oh my gosh. Thank you for taking the time, brother, and for everything you've done. What a journey you have been on. Speaking of the journey, if you don't mind telling everybody a little bit about you and your military career and what inspired you to join the Navy, and just a little bit about your military career?
Speaker 6:Yeah, thank you very much. I really appreciate that. So a little bit about my background. I'm a surface warfare officer, a ship driver, I was on destroyers for a bit. I was the executive officer of a coastal riverine squadron when the mandate went down.
Speaker 6:For my personal belief system, my conscience, and mainly because it didn't make a lot of sense and we should be able to make our own medical decisions, it's called therapeutic proportionality. When you decide that, hey, you're going to take something for your own health and it must be proportional, the risks and the rewards they need to be proportional, and based on that it's a belief I have and if it's not proportional, the risks and the rewards they need to be proportional. And you know, based on that and it's a belief I have and if it's not proportional, the risks don't outweigh the benefit that is supposedly offered by something, then I have a right to make my own medical decision. So based on that right, you know, I refused to participate in the COVID mandates and was fired from my position, spent seven months at home.
Speaker 6:Only job was to call in and they made sure I was alive and eventually they stopped taking that call and then we started winning in court and during all that time I was writing, I was talking to service members. I was trying to be very public and make sure anybody out there who needed help, anybody that was struggling with this, those with moral injury, that they had a voice out there, that they could find somebody that they could connect to. And we built a pretty massive network of service members who resisted this and it was very beneficial to so many people, gave so many people hope, and you know eventually they called me up and said hey, we can't fire you.
Speaker 6:The courts have not permitted us to do that, so I guess we're going to have to put you back to work. So they gave me a job again and I've been back at it in the Navy doing my very best, and, uh, so that's that's what brings me with you today.
Speaker 6:So still active duty and and still fighting for the constitution in every way I can, and that includes extracurricular things like this, where I go out and talk about the things that we did right, the things that we did wrong, um, and the things that you know. Hopefully, with enough awareness, we'll never be in this position again, and so that's why I keep doing this in my spare time.
Speaker 3:Well, thank you for that and for everything you've been through. It's taken. I can't even imagine the amount of strength that it's taken. All the decisions that you've had to make is just mind boggling. But thank you for that, for doing that. I got to tell you the day that you guys dropped this accountability, I was super sick and I launched out of bed. It was late at night and I launched out of bed and went running to my husband to show him. So that's how powerful it was to me and I thank you for that. If anybody wants to read the military accountability, it's www. Militaryaccountabilitynet. And again, defending the constitution behind enemy lines. For Commander Green's book, you took a strong stance against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. What were the main reasons behind your decision and can you tell us a little bit about that?
Speaker 6:Yeah, so it was like I described. You know my belief in therapeutic proportionality. You know, if you get a scratch on your arm, you don't amputate your arm based on the risk of getting gangrene, and I know that's a bit of an extreme example, but we had the data already, from when the mandate was voluntary, that demonstrated that it wasn't very effective. Mandate was voluntary that demonstrated that it wasn't very effective and we already had data and we had anecdotal evidence of people becoming injured by this. And it was ignored by everybody.
Speaker 6:People were being gaslit and we already had it before the mandate came out that it wasn't safe. So it's a bit of an extreme example the gangrene arm amputee thing. Before you get the infection.
Speaker 6:But that is a similar thought process going through my head at the time. Also, as you aired just a few moments ago from that section of the book I wrote, they did all the testing with fetal cells on this and it doesn't matter how long ago those fetal cells were extracted. It is an absolute travesty, it's murder and it was unfortunate for those who had to hear it and didn't want to hear how graphic it is. It is truly evil what scientists were doing and you know, based on that, it was another reason why I could not participate in any of this.
Speaker 6:So those were my reasons behind it, and I would also add that my wife, mary Claire, was a huge part of me, standing up, believe it or not. I don't like confrontation, I'm not big on it, and so I'll share a quick story about her. We went in to go vote in the 2020 election and in to go vote in the 2020 election and you know my wife and I she's a hard charger, she is so strong. She, you know, never wore a mask. She kind of understood early on that it wasn't right and it was adding to the lie. It was helping build the lie for those who were putting it on and you know who didn't believe in it, kind of going against their own.
Speaker 6:You know the little twinge of conscience like, ah, I'm going to do this and go along, get along. For her that was not even a question. You know she was confronting store managers and doctor's office staff and anything and anywhere else she was going if she needed to go somewhere. So you know she was the leader in this for me. So, anyway, we're at 2020 election going in. We live in a at the time, we're living in a deep blue state, so mask mandates abide and you know she's not going to do it, and you know.
Speaker 6:So we're sitting in the car discussing, okay, well you know, I don't know, I'm telling her, you know, maybe I, you know, maybe I'll just mail in my ballot. You know we had concerns about mail-in ballot fraud stuff going on as well at the same time and she turned to me and was like you coward and that for me that was the thing.
Speaker 6:It was like, oh man, I'm going to have to really dig in and be a man about this. So for me she's the, she's the powerful force behind a lot of the things I have done. I wish I could claim some you know a lot of credit. I don't wish I could claim credit for it, because I can't. So much of what I've done has been other people encouraging me, and then my wife behind me in all this.
Speaker 6:So I just want to make sure that the credit is where it's due, and it's to Jesus Christ, of course, and to my wife, who God has put in my life to elicit so much good.
Speaker 3:Well, thank you to Mary Claire. Did you say her name was?
Speaker 6:Mary Claire.
Speaker 3:Mary Claire. Mary Claire, thank you very much. There's something to be said about wives and what the Bible says. It says something about rubies Wives are equivalent to fine or better than rubies. So, mary Claire, a lot of people have to thank you for pushing him and thank you for listening to her. I find it's interesting to go into it. Let me get my words out correctly. In your book, I find it interesting that we're talking about this now, because you mentioned something about exercising conscience. Can you talk about that a little bit and what you meant?
Speaker 6:Yeah. So it's very interesting. In the current environment, a lot of people don't understand it, they don't see through it, but we're living in a fifth generation war and it's a war, for hearts and minds is what it is. The individual human person is both the objective and the battleground upon which this war is fought. So if you have that understanding, you cannot cede ground to the enemy in your own heart, in your own mind, in this war, and so the little things that you do to fight back are going to make all the difference, even internally in your own heart and in your own mind, right? So let me give you an example. If you have a twinge of conscience about something like, hey, this is not exactly right. If you seed ground, if you concede on something, you're like I'm going to go along with this, it's not really that big of a deal and I'm just going to do it, even though I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't participate in this, but it's just easier. You are seeding ground in the battlefield. This is the battlefield in your mind, right? You're ceding ground to the enemy, and if you want to take the fight to the enemy, if you want to gain ground, you actually have to win yourself first. Win yourself first, completely, give over your heart and your mind to good and never let any twinge of wrong things that go against your conscience, against what's right, have any hold in you. And if you do that, it will show on the outside, such as my wife never wearing a mask anywhere, even when people would, you know, shame her or say mean rude things, there are people watching.
Speaker 6:One time my brother-in-law went to a PTA meeting and he shared this story with me and he was against the mask, you know, but occasionally he'd put it on just to see if it's easier to go along. You know, sometimes some things require. You know you've got to get food for your family or something. You know. There are situations where you know you have to make a prudent decision. But in this case he said you know what? I'm going to go in there without it and I'm going to make sure that you know they see me.
Speaker 6:And this was at some point where you know they were starting to relax in some places. This was at some point where you know they were starting to relax it in some places. Well, there were other men in that room at this parent-teacher conference and they were watching him. And then you start to see, one by one, men in the room and it was men men in the room taking the mask off because they saw one person standing up. And so that is what we need to do you need to follow your conscience, you need to make sure you're not ceding ground. And that is how we start to gain ground. We start to give an example to others. Give them courage so that they can take similar stances and hopefully win this information war, this fifth generation war that's being waged against us right now.
Speaker 3:I couldn't agree more that courage is contagious, right? So thank you. So you said your brother did that. That was my brother-in-law. Your brother-in-law? Yeah, that's amazing. I experienced that myself in Tulsa. I walked into a hospital and I refused to wear a mask and by the time I walked out, almost everybody had taken off their mask. It was amazing. It was. I was tearing up. I was so happy. So thank you to your brother-in-law, thank you to your wife and thank you to you for standing and giving people courage, showing that it's OK to do that. We don't have much time before the break. I want to ask you a question. It might seem a little bit weird. We only have about a few seconds. There's chaplains in the military. There's always been chaplains. We, even if there's a death notification, they send a chaplain. Each unit has a chaplain. Why are there chaplains?
Speaker 6:Why are there chaplains?
Speaker 3:Why are there chaplains? Yeah, I guess. Well, maybe I should lead up to the break and then we'll take. We'll go to break in the quick, but I just think on it. If we needed all these religious exemptions and if many of them were disapproved, then what's the point of a chaplain in the military? I don't. Maybe we can discuss that after the break.
Speaker 6:I can answer that probably really quick in about 30 seconds, and then we can move on after the break.
Speaker 6:But yeah, so the chaplains exist to provide for the people who need religious services. They need support in various ways. That's what they exist for. They need support in various ways. That's what they exist for. But what we saw and this is why you're asking the question it sounds like what we saw were chaplains who had misprioritized, they had disordered their principles and they were putting the institution first. Many of them were putting their careers first, before their obligations to faith and to the service that the people needed from them, the reasons that they actually exist. And so that's why you ask the question why do we even have them? Well, they're there for a reason, and a very good reason, if they are properly ordered in their principles.
Speaker 3:That's a perfect answer, sir. Thank you, we're going to take a break. We'll be right back.
Speaker 7:I woke up this morning saw a world full of trouble. Now I thought how'd we ever get so far down and how's it ever going to turn around? So I turned my eyes to heaven. I thought God, why don't you do something? Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of people living in poverty and children sold into slavery. The thought disgusted me, so I shook my fist at heaven. People living in poverty, children sold into slavery the thought disgusted me, so I shook my fist. In heaven. I said God, why don't you do something?
Speaker 2:He said I did, I created you. Welcome back everybody and thank you for listening to the Veteran's Show. If you're in crisis, pick up the phone, dial 988, press Option 1, or text 838255. Just remember you're never alone. There's always somebody out there who wants to hear your voice.
Speaker 3:Thank you, babe. It's true we do, and so reach out. We still have our guest on the line, commander Rob Green. Thank you for staying with us through the break and for your time tonight and for everything that you've done. You know you have a lot of stories in your book of fellow veterans, fellow active duty.
Speaker 3:I hear you know the words of during COVID keep repeating in my mind of everybody, keep always saying it will help, the vaccine will help more than hurt. It will help more than hurt. The benefits outweigh the risks, and that just really catches me. So we've already established what fetal cells really are, that those are baby, actual baby, baby heartbeats that are taking out their body. Still being this audience, I've shared with them a news article I've spoken about a few times. I shared it on our X account from the New York Post of a baby that was captured smiling inside the wound womb. It was reacting to its father's voice. It was the most amazing thing. If you have a chance, people to go out there and look at this article from the New York Post. Baby Smiles Inside Womb. It's phenomenal. But so we've impacted the babies and all the stories in your book. But I want to make sure, before the show ends, that there's one story that our audience hears, and so I would really be honored if you would tell our audience about Daniel.
Speaker 6:Yeah, absolutely, the story of Daniel the Navy SEAL. It's a tragic one of Daniel the Navy SEAL. It's a tragic one and again, I don't want to bring only tragedy and the horror of abortion and other things like that to the show. So I'll tell the story. But then, laura, we ought to make sure we end on some positive notes and some positive stories. I agree, let me share the story of Daniel for your audience.
Speaker 6:So he was a Navy SEAL, a young man. He had gone on a deployment with his team and had come back and he was done. He was done with the military. I don't think that his experiences on his deployment, I think they caused him to say, hey, I need to rethink my life and do something different. And so he told his chain of command that he wanted out and he was going to separate from the military. But before that happened, the mandate dropped, was, and I say, rounded up.
Speaker 6:But he was isolated and put with the group of the rest of the Navy SEAL refusers. And you know they were separated from everyone else. They were denied opportunities to train. You know they were berated and belittled and harassed. They were coercing you know, these young and conscientious, maybe SEALs to go along with everyone else to get the shot. And you know they couldn't. And they had the strength of conscience. They had the strength of character and the moral courage to stand up for their beliefs and not to go along.
Speaker 6:And so, daniel's, in this group and throughout all this time, you know they found other various, sometimes cruel, ways to harass these people. You know they would have to go in for urinalysis occasionally. If any of you service members are out there you're hearing this, you know what I mean. You got to go and you take a test. They'll go test your urine to make sure that you're not taking drugs, that kind of stuff. It pops up randomly. So these people are still on the books, right? So they have to go test occasionally if their name pops up, and so you know. But when they would show up at the building, guess what? They locked them out of the building, they denied them access. They either took or canceled their badges so they couldn't get into the team spaces and they would have to wait outside and wait for an escort and be escorted around their own spaces for, you know, like as if they were some foreign visitor, you know, or some unknown person. These are people who have, you know, bled and sweat and trained, and they are some of the absolute best that the military has to offer. We have spent millions of dollars training these people to be our very best and they were treated like criminals. And this was the situation that Daniel was in.
Speaker 6:And I got a call last September Like I told you earlier in the show, we have massive networks even at this point, somewhat early on. But I got a call from a Navy SEAL Master Chief that I was close with that said, hey, I need to let you know. You know, one of our, one of our SEALs, committed suicide and that was Daniel. And so we got on a call with him, with the Master Chiefs and a couple of the team guys that he was in the isolation group with, and they let me know, hey, he was struggling, he wasn't close with anybody, and everything that his command put him through we just think it was too much. And so they were telling me this story.
Speaker 6:One of the things that really jumped out to me and I'll share this but one of the cruel things they did was these unbelievably highly trained, impactful weapon systems that are the Navy SEALs, these guys that refused. They were giving them menial labor to do in the spare time, whenever they actually gave them anything to do at all. So the very last thing that Daniel did to support his country was doing the yard work outside the building. He was no longer allowed to enter. I want to let that sink in for everybody. If you think this story is unique, sadly you're wrong. Thousands of service members were treated this way and over the course of the three-year period that you know that we had the mandate and we had some of the after effects of it, only 96 individuals died allegedly from COVID. You know I'm looking forward to under Secretary Hegseth digging into that data.
Speaker 6:We have not been allowed to have access to all the information about it, but they allege 96 people died from COVID that were service members during that period. During that same period, 1,460 service members committed suicide. Not ideation, not talking about it, not attempts that were unsuccessful Completed the act of committing suicide 1,460. You tell me which is the bigger crisis, which is the bigger problem? Our leaders failed us because they were not taking care of sailors like Daniel, and that's why I speak out, that's why I make sure that we don't sweep this under the rug. We need to draw all this out into the light of day and analyze it and make sure that we hot wash it, make sure that we learn the lessons that need to be learned from this so this will never happen again.
Speaker 3:I couldn't agree more. I couldn't. And man, oh man. Daniel's family is forever in my prayers and thank you for sharing that, his story with us and our audience. Babe, did you want to say anything? Okay, he looks like he wants to say something. So, um, well, you talked about, you brought up pete, hagg, seth and um, you want to. We do want to not end on difficult notes, and I know that our shows are always difficult, but in the military they teach you that if you have a problem, you better come with a solution. So now, with everything that you've been through and everybody that you know, and all of the stories that you've heard and your book and the journeys that your family has been on, what do you think happens now? What is your suggestion? What's your solution?
Speaker 6:Yeah, thank you for that question and, again, thank you for having me on. I know we only have a couple minutes left, but I do want to make sure I tell you and tell your audience, how grateful I am that there are people out there like you who are amplifying messages, who are putting in the hard work to make sure this stuff gets out there. And I was listening early on in the show earlier, before I joined you on the call. The prayer was beautiful, Thank you for that and I had no idea that y'all were driving 80 miles to get there to do this show. Yeah, one way. Yeah, that's right, you got to get back home. So thank you very much for that extra dedication to do this important work. And so why do I lead with the thank you for that? It's because this is the positive message, this is the hope that we end with here.
Speaker 6:What happened? All the evil that happened during COVID, all the bad, all the going along, all the seeding ground in the fifth generation warfare environment that was happening with hundreds of thousands of leaders and service members. So much good was brought from it. By God, we connected with each other Constitutionalists, faithful Christians, people who believed in things that are bigger than themselves were able to find each other across services, across military communities, across, you know, the veteran network. We connected, you know, using various messaging app programs and email chains. We supported each other, we prayed together and we built a massive community and that community has been fighting back.
Speaker 6:You mentioned earlier about the Declaration of Military Accountability. I was honored to write that and have so many people join in that and it was a start. It was a little over a year this time that we put that out there and I think it helped to energize people, helped realize that, hey, we can do more than just beg other people to fix all this. We can do it ourselves and we've got to use our voice, use our First Amendment right and go out there and do it. So I think it's a powerful message of hope. I am of the opinion that God's moving in powerful ways. I'm of the opinion that Pete Hegseth and his confirmation last night and his leadership is.
Speaker 6:You know that all of these efforts played a huge role in making sure we got somebody like Secretary Hegseth in position to help bring this back, help win back our country to properly ordered principles, at least in the military, so I have great hope. Principles at least in the military.
Speaker 6:So I have great hope there are other amazing people that were nominated for positions and we're looking forward to seeing some of them confirmed. Matt Lohmeyer is a great example, faithful man, a very good person, and I think that he's going to do amazing things for the Air Force. So there's a big network, a lot of positive things happening, and that is the solution is that we continue to grow, we continue to rely on God and make sure that we're putting him first in our own lives, and the result of that will show forth to others and we'll continue to win in that regard.
Speaker 3:I couldn't agree more with all of that. And Colonel Lohmeyer, I agree with that as well. He's been on our show and just I was enthralled, just like I'm enthralled now listening. So glory to God that he's put everybody into the positions and brought everybody together. It all happens for a reason. So maybe for such a time as this I suppose I have been on pins and needles trying to wait to ask this question. We don't have much time about 60 seconds left. But you said you wrote the Declaration of Military Accountability and we've had a few of your co-signers on. But there is a quote from John Adams at the top. It says our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. Can you tell us real quick why you chose that one?
Speaker 6:I think it was important, that Declaration of Military Accountability. I wrote it to kind of mirror the language and style of Thomas Jefferson, but I wanted to make sure that it led with. The most important element of all this is our faith in God. We're a Christian nation and if we want to continue to be a nation, we must make sure that the faith is paramount, that the faith has priority in our own lives and in the workings of the government at all levels above us. And so I wanted to make sure we opened with that statement, opened with that quote from John Adams, because it is so critical to ensuring that we have a future to pass along to our children.
Speaker 3:Well, commander Green, thank you for everything that you have done, for your courage. Thank, marie Claire, again for us, and thanks to all of the warriors that have stood next to you. May your courage always be contagious and may God forever bless you To everybody else. We will talk to you next week. Stay safe, god bless.